Anatomia, Neuroanatomia, Síndrome da Negligencia. Negligência espacial unilateral
A negligência unilateral (NU) ou síndrome da negligência é um distúrbio caracterizado por uma desordem neurológica representada pela dificuldade de localizar algo espacialmente ou de responder a estímulos gerados no sentido oposto à lesão cortical, acarretando a impossibilidade de registro, integração ou resposta a eventos provenientes do hemicorpo contralateral à lesão cerebral. O objetivo desse trabalho foi realizar uma revisão literária sobre os aspectos anatomoclínicos da síndrome da negligência datados do período de 2006 a 2016. Para isso, realizou-se um estudo de revisão bibliográfica por meio das bases de dados eletrônicos como o Pubmed, ScienceDirect e Bireme a fim de obter melhor abordagem do tema. Através do estudo, foi possível concluir que existem muitos relatos dessa síndrome na literatura, porém, ainda há necessidade de estudos mais atuais acerca do tema que abranjam formas concretas de tratamento e que descrevam de forma mais completa as regiões anatômicas acometidas e a evolução clinica dos sinais que caracterizam essa síndrome.Referências
AMERICAN OCCUPATIONAL THER APY ASSOCIATION - AOTA. Estrutura da prática da terapia ocupacional: domínio e processo. 2. ed. Revista Triângulo, Uberaba, v.3, n.2, p.57-147, 2010.
BARTOLOMEO, P.; SCHOTTEN, M.T.; DORICCHI, F. Left Unilateral Neglect as a Disconnection Syndrome. Cerebral Cortex, Paris, v.17, n.11, p.2479-2490, nov., 2007.
BECCHIO, B.; BERTONE, C. Time and neglect: Abnormal temporal dynamics in unilateral spatial neglect. Neuropsychologia, Itália, v.44, n.14, p.2775-2782, jul., 2006.
BECCHIO, C.; BERTONE, C. Object temporal connotation. Brain and Cognition, Itália, v. 52, n.2, p.192–196, jul., 2003.
CAZZOLI, D.; MÜRI, R.M.; SCHUMACHER, R.; VON, A.R.X. S.; CHAVES, S.; GUTBROD, K.; BOHLHALTER, S.; BAUER, D.; VANBELLINGEN, T.; BERTSCHI, M.; KIPFER, S.; ROSENTHAL, C.R.; KENNARD, C.; BASSETTI, C.L.; NYFFELER, T.Theta burst stimulation reduces disability during the activities of daily living in spatial neglect. Brain, Oxford, v.135, n.11, p.3426-3439, nov., 2012.
CHEN, P.P.D.; HREHA, K.M.S.; KONG, Y.M.D.; BARRET, A.M.M.D. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Estados Unidos, v.96, n.8, p.1458-1466, ago., 2015.
CHEN, X.W.; LIN, C.H.; ZHENG, H.; LI, Z.L. A Chinese Patient with Pusher Syndrome and Unilateral Spatial Neglect Syndrome. The Canadian Journal of neurological Sciences, China, v.41, n.4, p.493-497, jul.2014.
CHUNG et al., 2016 – CHUNG, S.J.; PARK, E.; YE, B.S.; LEE, H.S.; CHANG, H.J.; SONG, D.; KIM, Y.D.; HEO, J.H.; NAM, H.S. The Computerized Table Setting Test for Detecting Unilateral Neglect. PLoS ONE, Coreia, v.11, n.1, p.1-13, jan., 2016.
DANCKERT, J.; FERBER, S. Revisiting unilateral neglect. Neuropsychologia, Canadá, v.44, n.6, p.987-1006, nov., 2006.
DAY, C.Y.; LIN, L.C. Nursing care of unilateral neglect patients. Hu Li Za Zhi, China, v.62, n.1, p.92-97, fev., 2015.
DOMÍNGUEZ-BORRA`S, J.; ARMONY, J.A.; MARAVITA, A.; DRIVER, J.; VUILLEUMIER, P. Partial recovery of visual extinction by pavlovian conditioning in a patient with hemispatial neglect. Cortex, Geneva, v.49, n.3, p.891-898, mar., 2013.
GOTTESMAN, R.F.; KLEINMAN, J.T.; DAVIS, C.; HEIDLER-GARY, J.; NEWHART, M.; KANNAN, V.; HILLIS, A.E. Negligência unilateral é mais grave e comum em pacientes idosos com acidente vascular cerebral hemisférica direita. Neurology, Baltimore, v.71, n.18, p.1439-1444, out., 2008.
GRATTAN et al., 2016 – GRATTAN, E.S.; LANG, C.E.; BIRKENMEIER, R.; HOLM, M.; RUBINSTEIN, E.; SWEARINGEN, J.V.; SKIDMORE, E.R. Examining the Feasibility, Tolerability, and Preliminary Efficacy of Repetitive Task-Specific Practice for People With Unilateral Spatial Neglect. The American Journal of Occupational Therapy, Charleston, v.70, n.4, p. 1-8, ago., 2016.
HILLIS, A.E. New insights from a not-so-neglected field: Hemispatial neglect. Behavioural Neurology, Baltimore, v.26, n.1-2, p.109-110, 2013.
KARNATH, H.O.; RORDEN, C. The anatomy of spatial neglect. Neuropsychologia, Colombia, v.50, n.6, p.1010-1017, maio, 2012.
KLINKE, M.E.; HAFSTEINSDÓTTIR, T.B.; HJALTASON, H.; JÓ NSDÓTTIR, H. Ward-based interventions for patients with hemispatial neglect in stroke rehabilitation: A systematic literature review. International Journal of Nursing Studies, Islândia, v.52, n.8, p.1375-1403, ago., 2015.
LACHINI, T.; RUOTOLO, F.; RUGGIERO, G. The effects of familiarity and gender on spatial representation. Journal of Environmental Psychology, Itália, v.29, n.2, p.227-234, jun.,2009.
LI, K.; MALHOTRA, P.A. Spatial neglect. Practical Neurology, Londres, v.15, p.333-339, maio, 2015.
LUNVEN, M.; THIEBAUT DE SCHOTTEN, M.; BOURLON, C.; DURET, C; MIGLIACCIO, R.; RODE, G.; BARTOLOMEO, P. White matter lesional predictors of chronic visual neglect: a longitudinal study. Brain, França, v.138, n.3, p.746-760, mar., 2015.
LUVIZUTTO, G.J.; BAZAN, R.; BRAGA, G.P.; RESENDE, L.A.D.L.; BAZAN, S.G.Z.; EL DIB, R. Pharmacological interventions for unilateral spatial neglect after stroke. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, São Paulo, v.11, p.1-42, set., 2015.
MAHALE, M.; METHA, A.; SRINIVASA, R. Unilateral spatial neglect as a presenting manifestation of nonconvulsive status epilepticus. Neurology India, India, v.63, n.2, p. 262–264, mar-abr., 2015.
MIZUNO, K.; TSUJI, T.; TAKEBAYASHI, T.; FUJIWARA, T.; HASE, K.; LIU, M. Prism adaptation therapy enhances rehabilitation of stroke patients with unilateral spatial neglect: a randomized, controlled trial. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, Tóquio, v.25, n.8, p.711-720, out., 2011.
NAKAMURA, J.; KITA, Y.; IKUNO, K.; KOJIMA, K.; OKADA, Y.; SHOMOTO, K. Influence of the stimulus parameters of galvanic vestibular stimulation on unilateral spatial neglect. NeuroReport, Japão, v.26, n.8, p.462-466, maio, 2015.
SAPIR, A.; KAPLAN, J.B.; HE, B.J.; CORBETTA, M. Anatomical Correlates of Directional Hypokinesia in Patients with Hemispatial Neglect. The Journal of Neuroscience, Missouri, v.27, n.15, p.4045-4051, abr., 2007.
SCHOMER, A.C.; DRISLANE, F.W. Severe hemispatial neglect as a manifestation of seizures and status epilepticus: utility of prolonged EEG monitoring. Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology, Boston, v.32, n.2, p.4-7, abr., 2015.
SHINOURA N.; SUZUKI, Y.; YAMADA, R.; TABEI, Y.; SAITO, K.; YAGI, K. Danos no fascículo longitudinal superior direita no lobo parietal inferior desempenha um papel na negligência espacial. Neuropsychologia, Tóquio, v.47, n.12, p.2600-2603, out., 2009.
THIEME, H.; BAYN, M.; WURG, M.; ZANGE, C.; POHL, M.; BEHRENS, J. Mirror therapy for patients with severe arm paresis after stroke: a randomized controlled trial. Clinical Rehabilitation, Alemanha, v.27, n.4, p.314-324, abr., 2013.
URBANSKI, M.; ANGELI, V.; BOURLON, C.; CRISTINZIO, C.; PONTICORVO, M.; RASTELLI, F.; THIEBAUT DE SCHOTTEN, M.; BARTOLOMEO, P. Unilateral spatial neglect: a dramatic but often neglected consequence of right hemisphere damage. Revue neurologique, Paris, v. 163, n.3, p.305-322, mar., 2007.
VALLAR, L. Spatial neglect, Balint-Homes' and Gerstmann's syndrome, and other spatial disorders. CNS Spectrums, Itália, v.12, n.7, p.527-326, 2007.
VERDON V.; SCHWARTZ, S.; LOVBLAD, K.O.; HAUERT, C.A.; VUILLEUMIER, P. Neuroanatomy of hemispatial neglect and its functional components: a study using voxel-based lesion-symptom mapping. Brain, Geneva, v.133, n.3, p.880-894, mar., 2010.
VERONELLI, L.; BOVO, S.; DE GIAMPAULIS, P.; PASSARO, I; CORBO, M. Unilateral spatial neglect as unique clinical expression of non-convulsive status epilepticus. Cortex, Itália, v.76, p.128-130, mar., 2016.
WALKER, M.F.; SUNDERLAND, A.; FLETCHER-SMITH, J.; DRUMMOND, A.; LOGAN, P.; EDMANS, J.A.; GARVEY, K.; DINEEN, R.A.; INCE, P.; HORNE, J.; FISHER, R.J.; TAYLOR, J.L. The DRESS trial: a feasibility randomized controlled trial of a neuropsychological approach to dressing therapy for stroke inpatients. Clinical Rehabilitation, Reino Unido, v.26, n.8, p.26-28, ago., 2011.
BARTOLOMEO, P.; SCHOTTEN, M.T.; DORICCHI, F. Left Unilateral Neglect as a Disconnection Syndrome. Cerebral Cortex, Paris, v.17, n.11, p.2479-2490, nov., 2007.
BECCHIO, B.; BERTONE, C. Time and neglect: Abnormal temporal dynamics in unilateral spatial neglect. Neuropsychologia, Itália, v.44, n.14, p.2775-2782, jul., 2006.
BECCHIO, C.; BERTONE, C. Object temporal connotation. Brain and Cognition, Itália, v. 52, n.2, p.192–196, jul., 2003.
CAZZOLI, D.; MÜRI, R.M.; SCHUMACHER, R.; VON, A.R.X. S.; CHAVES, S.; GUTBROD, K.; BOHLHALTER, S.; BAUER, D.; VANBELLINGEN, T.; BERTSCHI, M.; KIPFER, S.; ROSENTHAL, C.R.; KENNARD, C.; BASSETTI, C.L.; NYFFELER, T.Theta burst stimulation reduces disability during the activities of daily living in spatial neglect. Brain, Oxford, v.135, n.11, p.3426-3439, nov., 2012.
CHEN, P.P.D.; HREHA, K.M.S.; KONG, Y.M.D.; BARRET, A.M.M.D. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Estados Unidos, v.96, n.8, p.1458-1466, ago., 2015.
CHEN, X.W.; LIN, C.H.; ZHENG, H.; LI, Z.L. A Chinese Patient with Pusher Syndrome and Unilateral Spatial Neglect Syndrome. The Canadian Journal of neurological Sciences, China, v.41, n.4, p.493-497, jul.2014.
CHUNG et al., 2016 – CHUNG, S.J.; PARK, E.; YE, B.S.; LEE, H.S.; CHANG, H.J.; SONG, D.; KIM, Y.D.; HEO, J.H.; NAM, H.S. The Computerized Table Setting Test for Detecting Unilateral Neglect. PLoS ONE, Coreia, v.11, n.1, p.1-13, jan., 2016.
DANCKERT, J.; FERBER, S. Revisiting unilateral neglect. Neuropsychologia, Canadá, v.44, n.6, p.987-1006, nov., 2006.
DAY, C.Y.; LIN, L.C. Nursing care of unilateral neglect patients. Hu Li Za Zhi, China, v.62, n.1, p.92-97, fev., 2015.
DOMÍNGUEZ-BORRA`S, J.; ARMONY, J.A.; MARAVITA, A.; DRIVER, J.; VUILLEUMIER, P. Partial recovery of visual extinction by pavlovian conditioning in a patient with hemispatial neglect. Cortex, Geneva, v.49, n.3, p.891-898, mar., 2013.
GOTTESMAN, R.F.; KLEINMAN, J.T.; DAVIS, C.; HEIDLER-GARY, J.; NEWHART, M.; KANNAN, V.; HILLIS, A.E. Negligência unilateral é mais grave e comum em pacientes idosos com acidente vascular cerebral hemisférica direita. Neurology, Baltimore, v.71, n.18, p.1439-1444, out., 2008.
GRATTAN et al., 2016 – GRATTAN, E.S.; LANG, C.E.; BIRKENMEIER, R.; HOLM, M.; RUBINSTEIN, E.; SWEARINGEN, J.V.; SKIDMORE, E.R. Examining the Feasibility, Tolerability, and Preliminary Efficacy of Repetitive Task-Specific Practice for People With Unilateral Spatial Neglect. The American Journal of Occupational Therapy, Charleston, v.70, n.4, p. 1-8, ago., 2016.
HILLIS, A.E. New insights from a not-so-neglected field: Hemispatial neglect. Behavioural Neurology, Baltimore, v.26, n.1-2, p.109-110, 2013.
KARNATH, H.O.; RORDEN, C. The anatomy of spatial neglect. Neuropsychologia, Colombia, v.50, n.6, p.1010-1017, maio, 2012.
KLINKE, M.E.; HAFSTEINSDÓTTIR, T.B.; HJALTASON, H.; JÓ NSDÓTTIR, H. Ward-based interventions for patients with hemispatial neglect in stroke rehabilitation: A systematic literature review. International Journal of Nursing Studies, Islândia, v.52, n.8, p.1375-1403, ago., 2015.
LACHINI, T.; RUOTOLO, F.; RUGGIERO, G. The effects of familiarity and gender on spatial representation. Journal of Environmental Psychology, Itália, v.29, n.2, p.227-234, jun.,2009.
LI, K.; MALHOTRA, P.A. Spatial neglect. Practical Neurology, Londres, v.15, p.333-339, maio, 2015.
LUNVEN, M.; THIEBAUT DE SCHOTTEN, M.; BOURLON, C.; DURET, C; MIGLIACCIO, R.; RODE, G.; BARTOLOMEO, P. White matter lesional predictors of chronic visual neglect: a longitudinal study. Brain, França, v.138, n.3, p.746-760, mar., 2015.
LUVIZUTTO, G.J.; BAZAN, R.; BRAGA, G.P.; RESENDE, L.A.D.L.; BAZAN, S.G.Z.; EL DIB, R. Pharmacological interventions for unilateral spatial neglect after stroke. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, São Paulo, v.11, p.1-42, set., 2015.
MAHALE, M.; METHA, A.; SRINIVASA, R. Unilateral spatial neglect as a presenting manifestation of nonconvulsive status epilepticus. Neurology India, India, v.63, n.2, p. 262–264, mar-abr., 2015.
MIZUNO, K.; TSUJI, T.; TAKEBAYASHI, T.; FUJIWARA, T.; HASE, K.; LIU, M. Prism adaptation therapy enhances rehabilitation of stroke patients with unilateral spatial neglect: a randomized, controlled trial. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, Tóquio, v.25, n.8, p.711-720, out., 2011.
NAKAMURA, J.; KITA, Y.; IKUNO, K.; KOJIMA, K.; OKADA, Y.; SHOMOTO, K. Influence of the stimulus parameters of galvanic vestibular stimulation on unilateral spatial neglect. NeuroReport, Japão, v.26, n.8, p.462-466, maio, 2015.
SAPIR, A.; KAPLAN, J.B.; HE, B.J.; CORBETTA, M. Anatomical Correlates of Directional Hypokinesia in Patients with Hemispatial Neglect. The Journal of Neuroscience, Missouri, v.27, n.15, p.4045-4051, abr., 2007.
SCHOMER, A.C.; DRISLANE, F.W. Severe hemispatial neglect as a manifestation of seizures and status epilepticus: utility of prolonged EEG monitoring. Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology, Boston, v.32, n.2, p.4-7, abr., 2015.
SHINOURA N.; SUZUKI, Y.; YAMADA, R.; TABEI, Y.; SAITO, K.; YAGI, K. Danos no fascículo longitudinal superior direita no lobo parietal inferior desempenha um papel na negligência espacial. Neuropsychologia, Tóquio, v.47, n.12, p.2600-2603, out., 2009.
THIEME, H.; BAYN, M.; WURG, M.; ZANGE, C.; POHL, M.; BEHRENS, J. Mirror therapy for patients with severe arm paresis after stroke: a randomized controlled trial. Clinical Rehabilitation, Alemanha, v.27, n.4, p.314-324, abr., 2013.
URBANSKI, M.; ANGELI, V.; BOURLON, C.; CRISTINZIO, C.; PONTICORVO, M.; RASTELLI, F.; THIEBAUT DE SCHOTTEN, M.; BARTOLOMEO, P. Unilateral spatial neglect: a dramatic but often neglected consequence of right hemisphere damage. Revue neurologique, Paris, v. 163, n.3, p.305-322, mar., 2007.
VALLAR, L. Spatial neglect, Balint-Homes' and Gerstmann's syndrome, and other spatial disorders. CNS Spectrums, Itália, v.12, n.7, p.527-326, 2007.
VERDON V.; SCHWARTZ, S.; LOVBLAD, K.O.; HAUERT, C.A.; VUILLEUMIER, P. Neuroanatomy of hemispatial neglect and its functional components: a study using voxel-based lesion-symptom mapping. Brain, Geneva, v.133, n.3, p.880-894, mar., 2010.
VERONELLI, L.; BOVO, S.; DE GIAMPAULIS, P.; PASSARO, I; CORBO, M. Unilateral spatial neglect as unique clinical expression of non-convulsive status epilepticus. Cortex, Itália, v.76, p.128-130, mar., 2016.
WALKER, M.F.; SUNDERLAND, A.; FLETCHER-SMITH, J.; DRUMMOND, A.; LOGAN, P.; EDMANS, J.A.; GARVEY, K.; DINEEN, R.A.; INCE, P.; HORNE, J.; FISHER, R.J.; TAYLOR, J.L. The DRESS trial: a feasibility randomized controlled trial of a neuropsychological approach to dressing therapy for stroke inpatients. Clinical Rehabilitation, Reino Unido, v.26, n.8, p.26-28, ago., 2011.
Como Citar
Cerqueira, G. S. (2017). ASPECTOS ANATOMO-CLÍNICOS DA SÍNDROME DA NEGLIGÊNCIA: UMA REVISÃO DE LITERATURA. Revista Intertox De Toxicologia, Risco Ambiental E Sociedade, 10(3).
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